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Helicopter Lessons London

Helicopter Lessons London

Helicopter Lessons London

How about trying your hand at rotary flight with our helicopter lessons near London? Of course these very glam experiences aren't just about swanning around the skies in a fancy (and every expensive to run) Robinson helicopter these flights are also designed to give you an insight into what actually being at the controls of these sleek machines feels like. These one to one taster lessons give you plenty of time in the hot seat as 'captain' of your helicopter. Each session will follow a set syllabus just as though you were on your first lesson on the path to getting your licence with a pre-flight briefing and chat about safety. Once inside the chopper you'll be shown how the major control and power systems work before executing flight start up procedures. Rotors on circuit procedures done emergency drills covered - you are now ready. The rotors whirr into life and your flight begins as you gracefully lift off the ground into London airspace. Indeed this training school is based in Hertfordshire but when you're in the air you're literally just a few rotor blade rotations from London. As with all unfamiliar sensations for the first couple of minutes of your helicopter lessons you'll be getting adjusted to how it feels actually being in a moving chopper so the pilot will be nice and gentle with the machine. But then you'll soon be chomping at the bit to learn more about flying a heli. The pilot instructor will make sure you're ready for your very own slice of helicopter glory. The moment during your lesson when you hear 'You have control' that's when it's over to you to utter your first words as a budding pilot: 'I have control'. Time to enjoy the sheer fantastic feeling these heli flights give you! And another great thing about these helicopter lessons near London is that they take off from Elstree airfield one of the nearest helicopter teaching venues to the city and very easy to get to from all over the capital. Not that you'll be looking as you'll be too busy flying but you might also just catch some great views of the city landscape on the horizon from your panoramic glass cockpit in the Robinson!

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