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Name A Rose

Name A Rose

Name A Rose

Name a Rose for that special someone! A wonderful romantic gesture with personal meaning for a loved one to be cherished. With this name a rose gift they can watch their roses grow and flower in the garden year after year.Each name a rose bush pack comes with a packet of seeds in a metal gift tin. These grains are totally unique and as yet unnamed so once you plant the seeds you can register the name of your very own variety of these classic blooms. The name you choose will even be entered into the International Rose Naming Registry which is regularly updated and held in the British Library as the horticultural reference point.These flowers have a long and colourful history. Roses have always been a symbol of romanticism (what could be more tender than to naming a rose after your lover?). The first literary reference as the queen of flowers Ode to the Rose was by the Greek poetess Sappho in 600 BC and by 1200 AD a handful of types including Damaska Gallicas and Scot Roses had...

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