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Air RiflesandPistols Bedfordshire

Air RiflesandPistols Bedfordshire

Air RiflesandPistols Bedfordshire

Have you always fancied having a go at shooting but never found the right place to have air rifle lessons? Well we can highly recommend this leading rifle range in Bedfordshire. This place has been named by marksmen and women as being one of the top three ranges in the whole country and it's a really impressive site.Sitting in lush green farmlands north of Bedford city centre this rifle range and shooting ground has been awarded Premier Plus status by the sport's governing body. That means beginners and novices can expect first-rate tuition whilst experienced shots have loads of variety in the targets and shooting stands so they will never get bored - just look up and take in how huge that central tower is and how fast and furious the targets are that are launched from it!This particular experience here in Bedfordshire is all about the air rifle range. This is a specialist area of the ground that is dedicated to rifle and pistol sports. A proper wood-built undercover range it's th...

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