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Medieval Jousting Experience

Medieval Jousting Experience

Medieval Jousting Experience

Knights ladies and squires welcome to your jousting experience! Step back in time to Ye Olde England and learn some rather noble sporting skills both on foot and horseback during these fabulously theatrical experiences. Yes that's right honourable ladies and gentlemen it's time to hone your jousting skills and more besides when you spend the day at Jousting School. It all takes place in an equestrian arena in the shadows of a certain Warwick Castle making for the perfect backdrop to your day of Medieval fun. Of course jousting wasn't just for fun back then. It was a chance for young knights to shine to win the hand of a fair maiden to receive praise from the King. And if you failed miserably you might have ended up in the stocks - a shameful sight for a Knight indeed. Now you might think that being skilled a horseman is a must when it comes to being able to joust against your opponent. Well it's true you're sure to have a distinct advantage if you have any experience in the sa...

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