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Discover Photography London

Discover Photography London

Discover Photography London

Join a discover photography workshop in London and learn to love manual mode on your camera! So you've got a DSLR camera and you're taking lovely shots in automatic or standard shooting mode but how come your images aren't quite as striking as some you see online? This workshop will show how to capture impressive images in manual mode. Aimed at beginners this photography workshop held near Old Street in the capital will help you discover just what your camera can do. There's a whole wealth of potential in a DSLR beyond the 'point and shoot' method we're all so used to. An award-winning photographer will accompany you every step of the way as you explore your camera. In essence it's all about selecting the correct exposure aperture shutter speed and ISO. Chances are you've heard of all these things but you're not quite sure how to use them to maximum effect. The aperture can be thought of as the camera's iris whilst the shutter speed is how quickly it opens and shuts with the I...

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